What is Hanoi International Church?
Hanoi International Church (HIC) is an English-speaking international, multi-denominational community of Christians of all ages, from many nations. HIC has been meeting in Hanoi since the early 1990s. We’re a fellowship of believers from Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox traditions who seek to worship God together through song, prayer, the Word, the Eucharist, and service. We follow a semi-traditional, liturgical service style, celebrating the Lord’s Supper every week.
International &
Since its beginning, HIC has been ecumenical with its members coming from many denominations, and traditions.
The Mennonites were and remain an important foundational group and for many years HIC was served by a Catholic priest from Maryknoll. Today HIC follows a semi-traditional, liturgical service style and remains lay led by a lay church council with the service of volunteer pastors.
HIC is a community led by lay people organized through a council of volunteers. Throughout our history, ordained pastors have also played a crucial role as volunteers and spiritual leaders.
We invite you to join our community and to volunteer according to your spiritual gifts. All are invited to help in worship by giving the homily, leading the service or music and by teaching in our Sunday School.
For All Ages
HIC includes community members of all ages.
Sunday school is offered for youngsters aged 3 through 14.
We offer confirmation classes when there are interested children and families.
Adults meet regularly during the week for a Bible study that includes dinner and time for fellowship.